Javier E. Trujillo reviews the third issue of Dynamite’s 2024 volume of James Bond: 007! In space, do you still take your martini shaken or should it be stirred?
Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes? And why is one in outer space with James Bond? Also, Moneypenny goes on a date!
Writer: Garth Ennis
Artist: Rapha Lobosco
Colours: Jorge Sutil
Letters: Rob Steen
Cover: Dave Johnson
Editor: Joseph Rybandt
007 calls Moneypenny from the space station, briefing her on his mission as she catches the eye of a gentleman as she is out on the town, dressed to kill. He makes mention of an American on the station, Hotchkiss, and that one of the things they do up there is monitor the effects of zero gravity and prolonged sensory deprivation on lower life forms in space.
Bond floats over to question Vickers about his involvement with Stalvoda. As they talk, Bond notices that he and Vickers are both suffering nosebleeds.
Meanwhile, Moneypenny has brought a man home as Bond leaves her a message that Vickers is now dead due to someone purging the air from the room. Things go south for Moneypenny, but she realizes her gentleman caller is there to eliminate her and she takes care of him, tossing a grenade at him in her living room.
Bond and Moneypenny debrief each other, with Bond having deduced who his would-be assassin is. Hotchkiss makes another attempt to eliminate her prey, with her and Bond in EV suits outside the station, but 007 anticipated this, having placed a venomous snake in her suit!
This issue was far tamer than I expected. When I imagined Ennis putting 007 in space it was hard not to think of some massive laser battle, a la Moonraker, but that isn’t what is delivered here. Instead, the action, or what passes for it, is far more subtle and insidious, with the dangers of space and the isolation being crucial.
Moneypenny’s side is a different matter. Her part in this tale is more what one would expect the prototypical Bond story to be. An attractive man catches her eye, whom she later takes back to her flat. It isn’t too long before she realizes he’s the enemy and dispatches him and her living room. Doesn’t pay to be her neighbor, I’d imagine. It’s here we get the customary Ennis gruesomeness as she coldly finishes the job on his face, or what was left of it. Lois Maxwell she isn’t!
Lobosco does great work here once again. Moneypenny looks very sultry when she is dressed to kill and the staging of scenes is top notch. In panels where Bond is conversing in space to Moneypenny back on Earth (I must get the name of their phone carrier) they are facing each other in their respective panels, making the conversation feel more connected. Hotchkiss looks slightly unhinged and the snake we see makes my skin crawl. I’d say that’s job well done.
With the violence more toned down than in past issues, this entry felt more focused on building tension, which was a nice change of pace. Whilst being in space wasn’t as outlandish as I anticipated, it made for a small, more intimate drama. This is the halfway point, so I’m sure we have plenty of time to get back to more Punisher level of craziness soon. As it was, this is my favourite of the series so far.
September 5th, 2024 at 15:24
Great review. Snake in the spacesuit is priceless.