James Bond & Friends – Episode 0068: Watchalong with Thunderball

The latest episode of James Bond & Friends is now available on Apple Podcasts and elsewhere.

Join us as we watch 1965’s Thunderball together as a group experience.

For this episode, don your orange wetsuit, grab a spear gun, and cue up your copy of Thunderball as the panel chats over the film in real-time with observations, trivia, insights, and irreverence. Along the way, we discover grieving orphans, personalized hotel doors, a sweaty Vargas, Pinder’s woodworking, and wonder where the dance floor is on the Disco Volante.

The recording took place on August 28th, 2020 in the USA, UK, and Spain.

James Page is a co-founder of MI6-HQ.com and the magazine MI6 Confidential

Calvin Dyson Reviews Bond channel can be enjoyed at youtube.com/calvindyson

Lisa Funnell (@DrLisaFunnell) is Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma

Ben Williams writes for MI6-HQ.com and MI6 Confidential

Bill Koenig runs the Spy Command at hmssweblog.wordpress.com

Phil Nobile Jr is editor of Fangoria and shares his expertise at @PhilNobileJr

David Leigh runs thejamesbonddossier.com

This podcast is copyright Pretitles LLC © 2020

Check out all available episodes on Apple Podcasts. And don’t forget to subscribe if you like the podcast!

David Leigh founded The James Bond Dossier in 2002. A fan of 007 since the age of 8, he is also author of The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond. You can order a copy here if you don't own it already.

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