Serious injury during SPECTRE shoot in Austria


The last day of filming on Sölden, Austria, was marred yesterday by an accident that saw SPECTRE‘s 2nd Unit Assistant Director Terry Madden with multiple fractures.

According to the Hollywood Reporter a truck veered off the road and into a barn, injuring Madden, who has worked on every Bond film since For Your Eyes Only (1981). Filming was scheduled to take place on the road up at the glacier and the tunnel yesterday, but it is not known if this is where the accident happened.

The is currently no further word from either Eon Productions or the studios behind SPECTRE on Madden’s condition.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

David Leigh founded The James Bond Dossier in 2002. A fan of 007 since the age of 8, he is also author of The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond. You can order a copy here if you don't own it already.

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