On Tuesday night the cast and crew of Skyfall were joined by celebrities and other guests to walk the red carpet for the film’s Royal World Premiere. Prince Charles attended the event at London’s Royal Albert Hall with the Duchess of Cornwall with procedes going to charities supporting past and present members of the UK’s intelligence agencies, of which Prince Charles is patron. It was announced at the premiere that £300,000 had been raised by the event.
I was lucky enough to receive an invitation thanks to my friends at MI6 (the website, not the Secret Intelligence Service), who also hosted a cocktail party prior to the event.
After queuing to join the red carpet we progressed along at a snail’s pace until reaching the Aston Martin DB5 just as Daniel Craig was being interviewed for the Sony livestream by David Walliams (you can watch a recording of the coverage here).
Once inside the venue guests were all given the once over by security to ensure mobile phones were not taken into the screening (with prior warning, I’d left mine back in my hotel safe, which is why I sadly have no photos from the red carpet). Given the circular layout of the hall, I thought the view would be quite poor high up in the circle, however although not looking at the screen straight on, it was nowhere near as I feared.
The band of the Royal Marines come on stage for a medley of Bond tunes, after which the screen cut to the arrival of Prince Charles and Camilla, who were greeted by Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, who then introduced them to principal cast and crew.
After the royal party had taken their seats and the National Anthem played, Wilson and Broccoli came on and introduced Sam Mendes and the the stars of the film. Once the stage had cleared and everyone had taken their seat, the lights dimmed and Skyfall began…
You can see how the event was reported from the links below:
New Bond film Skyfall gets royal world premiere (Associated Press)
Skyfall premiere: Daniel Craig, Dame Judi Dench and Javier Bardem at James Bond film premiere (Telegraph)