No Time to Die trailer released as November marketing campaign gears up

The latest trailer for No Time to Die has just been released.

Lasting just over two and a half minutes the trailer features extends some previously seen action as well as adding some new ones. The trailer also includes new dialogue, including Bond referring to the new Double-O agent.

During the trailer we get a long shot of what is presumably Safin’s lair and what looks like a fish pond being cleaned. Surely it is more than that!

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

David Leigh founded The James Bond Dossier in 2002. A fan of 007 since the age of 8, he is also author of The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond. You can order a copy here if you don't own it already.

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7 Responses to “No Time to Die trailer released as November marketing campaign gears up”

  • Rob Merrett

    Hi David,

    Thanks for sending this out!

    This film looks so good. I really hope it doesn’t need to be delayed again. A hard decision for them to make but fingers crossed it can be released in November!

  • Mark

    Much more of the plot is revealed. They seem serious about the November release, that could go either way.

  • Michael Poplawski

    Very short-fused for planning and with covid this may reduce travel and the Bond community meet-ups. I may have to see it like any old non-agent.

  • Mark Griswold

    Half the fun of a Bond film is the anticipation of its release so, if there’s a silver lining to all of this, it’s they we get to anticipate for longer! That said, don’t make us wait past November! And don’t make us wait another five (or even four) years for the next one.

  • Thomas Byrnes

    Based on the silly gadgets, Craig’s line readings and his being obviously too old for the part, it looks like they’re back to the awful Roger Moore era. After the abysmal disappointment “SPECTRE”, I’m out.

  • teddy

    hello david

    thanks for sending

    looks fantastic


    G’day ! If only they could release the IMAX first in limited engagements. High priced venues…soon.
    Invitation only. People need the 007 ! AK