Istanbul casting agency puts call out for Skyfall extras

A casting agency in Istanbul put out a call for extras Skyfall. The shoot will take place at Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar in March and April, with the extras appearing as foreign tourists. The interviews took place yesterday, so it’s too late if you wanted to be part of the next James Bond film:

Foreign faces wanted for shooting movie of James Bond in Grand Bazaar/Turkey!

A total of 25-day shoot, during 10 days extras will appear as tourists in the Bazaar. These 10-days are not fixed yet. The parties will be notified when determined. Food needs of the coming extras will be covered up. The extras will get 80 TL per day and they will be paid at the end of every shooting day. Estimated shooting time range is between end of March and mid of April. Persons wishing to take part as an extra should come for interview on Wednesday 07.04.2012. Persons who will come for interview should call the following phone number in order to inform about the meeting place and meeting time.


Çınar Türker

0090 535 389 75 69

Read “Wanna appear on the latest James Bond film?” at Couchsurfing

David Leigh founded The James Bond Dossier in 2002. A fan of 007 since the age of 8, he is also author of The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond. You can order a copy here if you don't own it already.

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