Ian Fleming found the Vesper “unpalatable”

The Guardian published a Bond related piece yesterday linking to an article from its archives (when it was the Manchester Guardian), which criticised Ian Fleming’s writing; it also linked to Fleming’s response, which makes interesting reading, as he refers to what must be the Vesper, saying:

I proceeded to invent a cocktail for Bond (which I sampled several months later and found unpalatable).

So much for those bars that claim they helped Fleming formulate the Vesper. Perhaps Kingsley Amis was right when he said that Kina Lillet would make the drink too bitter; it’s difficult to know as Lillet Blanc is a very different drink.

Read “Ian Fleming defends James Bond – from the archive” at The Guardian

David Leigh founded The James Bond Dossier in 2002. A fan of 007 since the age of 8, he is also author of The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond. You can order a copy here if you don't own it already.

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2 Responses to “Ian Fleming found the Vesper “unpalatable””

  • andrew

    i have tried it and not bitter it has a small taste that is a bit different but not overwhelming

  • M

    It’s not bitter because there is little or no quinine in Lillet Blanc, so it’s not really the same drink.