Do Product-Placement Ads Work?

What could have been an interesting article by – and it does ask an interesting question – seems to have been written by someone who hasn’t actually seen Skyfall and trots out the well worn media cliche that James Bond drinks Heineken instead of vodka martinis in Skyfall.

Another cited example of product placement in the Bond films is Pan Am – when exactly did they go out of business?

So does product placement work?

Ask Sunspel, Lillet, and Royal Dalton for starters. They all saw sales go through the roof after appearing in Casino Royale, Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, and Skyfall respectively.

As the article notes, correlation is not causation; but what does it seem to happen time after time with the Bond films?

Read the entire article here and leave a comment below to let me know if you think product placement works or not.

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