SPECTRE is costing businesses in Mexico City millions of dollars in lost revenue as streets are blocked and malls closed, with filming “bleeding local business owners dry” to the tune of $24 million according to this report, which goes on to say producers are paying businesses up to $130 a day for the inconvenience.
Local officials say the amount is not enough though, as filming has lasted several days, while the local chamber of commerce says 6,627 businesses have been affected.
But not so fast.
This report contradicts that first report entirely, with “Mexico City officials” saying filming was a boon for business and despite lost sales through street closures hotel occupancy in the city centre was up 30 percent during filming and visitor number up 53 percent.
It gores on to say filming actually boosted business in the area and that 225 businesses were paid up to 2,500 per day in compensation and most closures were for a few hours at most, while the 007 effect is likely to continue attracting visitors to this historic quarter of the city.