Casino Royale named among 5 most expensive first editions of 20th century

Ian Fleming joins Ernest Hemingway, JRR Tolkien, F Scott Fitzgerald and James Joyce as the five twentieth century authors whose first editions are most expensive.


Casino Royale lies fourth in that list, after Joyce’s Ulysses ($460,500), Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby ($300,000), Tolkien’s The Hobbit ($210,500) and ahead of Hemingway’s In Our Time ($25,000).

Remember though that while there is nothing wrong with collecting such treasures, real value of books lies between the covers.

Bond gambles millions…, gets tortured, and falls in love with a double agent… yet still keeps calm and carries on to save the day.

Key takeaways

  • First published in 1953, Casino Royale’s initial run was just 4,728 copies.
  • A first edition sold in 2013 for the equivalent of $60,000.
  • The book is the fourth most expensive first edition of the twentieth century.

Source: Robb Report

David Leigh founded The James Bond Dossier in 2002. A fan of 007 since the age of 8, he is also author of The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond. You can order a copy here if you don't own it already.

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