Tom Ford 108 sunglasses

Tom Ford 108

Earlier in the year it was thought that Daniel Craig’s sunglasses in Quantum of Solace had been correctly identified as Oliver Peoples Airman, leading the company to reintroduce the discontinued model.

Such is the marketing appeal of the James Bond brand that at least one optician in London began promoting them heavily, with some 007 collectors purchasing them ahead of the premiere in the belief that they appeared in the film.

However, it became apparent in September that the model sported by the James Bond actor was in fact designed by Tom Ford and so similar to the Airman are they that some people have accused Tom Ford ripping off the Oliver Peoples design.

Tom Ford is responsible for all the clothing in Quantum of Solace, and worked with costume designer Louise Frogley to provide both tailored clothing and casual wear. These include suits, shirts, ties and accessories that include the Tom Ford 108 sunglasses.

The glasses are handmade in Italy by Marcolin, made from semi-matte rhodium with black temple tips and smoke blue lenses (19V). In addition to the smoke blue lenses, three additional colours will be available and packaging will include the 007 logo.

Currently unavailable.

David Leigh founded The James Bond Dossier in 2002. A fan of 007 since the age of 8, he is also author of The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond. You can order a copy here if you don't own it already.

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