Sunday night shoot for SPECTRE in London [VIDEO]

There hasn’t been much SPECTRE related news of late for the simple reason that filming has mainly taken place behind the closed doors of Pinewood. However, that changed on Sunday night when the production team was out in London to shoot a sequence. Click the link below to reveal video footage of last night’s shoot:

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The Mail shared the video below, which shows  Sam Mendes directing Daniel Craig and Leá Seydoux on the Thames, while a helicopter hovers overhead.

A number of bridges were closed during filming, which took place along a stretch of the river that includes the MI6 headquarters at Vauxhall Cross.

Notices to residents stated filming would take place between 7pm and 5am on Monday morning.

The Mirror also featured a short video from last night’s shoot involving the helicopter, which you can watch below:


David Leigh founded The James Bond Dossier in 2002. A fan of 007 since the age of 8, he is also author of The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond. You can order a copy here if you don't own it already.

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