SPECTRE will shoot on Rome’s Ponte Sisto according to Italian media


Photo: Ponte Sisto Roma by Livioandronico2013. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

The Italian media is saying that SPECTRE filming will take place at Ponte Sisto, the bridge that spans the river Tiber in Italy’s historic capital, from 12th March. Although, according to what we know of the schedule, the first unit is due to finish in Rome on that same day (they start there next week), it is possible that the stunt team will remain in Italy afterwards, much like they did in Austria, although the Italian media isn’t exactly renowned for making sure they get the facts right.

Recently the Mirror published a story claiming that activists in Rome had been protesting against the use of the bridge in filming due to a ghost, but when I looked into where that story had come from it seemed to originate with the Mirror. If there were any truth in the story I would have expected to find reports of the protests published in Italian, but there were none.

Instead, preparations for filming on and around the bridge appear to have continued, with two cranes, of 90 and 200 tonnes, in Piazza Trilussa.

Source: Corriere della Sera

David Leigh founded The James Bond Dossier in 2002. A fan of 007 since the age of 8, he is also author of The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond. You can order a copy here if you don't own it already.

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