Author Profile: Legendre Thirst

Legendre Thirst is a self professed geek for researching, recreating, field testing and writing about classic libations and the spirits that haunt them. He is a huge 007 fan and devotee of the good life. He serves as cocktail correspondent providing cocktail recipes and history for the radio show Happy Hour on KWMR which features mid-century jazz and lounge music.

Skyfall Teaser Trailer #1: Why it’s Bond

May 30th, 2012 by

The immediate reaction in the Bond-o-sphere when the Skyfall teaser trailer was released was one of unrepentant fanboy squee.  The servers at went down and the world was atwitter with excitement at the beauty of the new trailer for the latest, as-yet unfinished film by director Sam Mendes. Everyone was happy. Well, as it […]

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